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8. The Second Plan of the Creators – Today’s Mankind

Jiří Novák Published 15.2.2010
Jiří Novák

New humans of the 2nd type live to a short age, they do not commonly have creative abilities to change and transform matter by their consciousness, and their initial spiritual awareness is intentionally suppressed. We people of the 2nd type have acquired however something extra, what the ancient mankind did not have. The possibility of spiritual ascension. The ability to ascend over any borders and spiritual thresholds. And an inner desire for knowledge that will drive us beyond the boundaries of this world. During the wars beetween the gods and demons 20 thousand years ago the Earth’s humankind of the 2nd type proved for the first time that it is able to resist better the organized Evil on the planet, than the seemingly superior original mankind of the 1st type. A complete change of human population on the planet occurred then quietly over the next thousands of years.

© Jiří Novák, February 2010