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11. To Reveal or Continue to Conceal Information about the Spiritual Background of the World?

Jiří Novák
Jiří Novák

If someone intentionally conceals from us part of the Truth still nowadays, or as if „protects“ us from information, then they expose us to targeted manipulation, so that we were not able to decide correctly due to lack of information. The Earth does not function only as a teaching planet today, that means a planet designated to teach something. But above all as a planet of searching for a new concept of development in the critical period of history not only of this world but also of the whole system of worlds in the Creation. When mankind goes the wrong direction but the catastrophe is still far away, then a small change in behaviour and attitudes is sufficient to solve everything. But the closer we are to the catastrophe, the more radical turn in the direction of spiritual orientation is necessary to do.

© Jiří Novák,