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6C. What is the Measure of a Person's Spiritual Progress?

Jiří Novák Published 12.4.2020
Jiří Novák

Questions that come to mind at the beginning of a spiritual journey. Spiritual advancement can be in Light or in Darkness. Understanding spiritual advancement on the Old Spiritual Path. The methods of the Old Spiritual Path lead one to connect with magic. What does extraordinary spiritual perception indicate? Why isn't the artificial spiritual equipment from the past usable for the path of the Light? Spiritual advancement according to the New Spiritual Path. Today's binding pattern of birth for planet Earth. Clinging to old principles is not a sign of advancement. Efforts to revise the principles of the New Spiritual Path from the perspective of man's ego cannot help. The New Spiritual Path is self-correcting, self-cleansing. The New Spiritual Path represents a revolutionary departure from the principles of the Old Path. It is very easy to achieve a spiritual fall today. How does a person who has achieved spiritual ascension in the Light change?

© Jiří Novák, April 2020