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3. How to Perceive the Spiritual Background of the World?

Jiří Novák Published 1.2.2010
Jiří Novák

The spiritual background of man and the world is officially rejected, but secretly investigated. Doors to the spiritual background are opened by my internal balance and moral purity. Awakening of spiritual perception can be thus the result of conscious work on ourselves. Beware, however, the access to the spiritual background out of sequence, with the help of drugs, artificial techniques or rituals. Since from the spiritual background act not only the forces of Light, but also the forces of Darkness. Do not let ourselves become silent collaborators of the Darkness for seeming advantages. The attitude of the materialists is not right either. Because if I reject my own spiritual plane, I am giving it to the disposal of the hidden forces of Darkness.

© Jiří Novák, February 2010