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7. First and Second Plan of the Creators, Mankind of 1st and 2nd Type

Jiří Novák Published 11.2.2010
Jiří Novák

Many ancient texts suggest that the process of creation of human civilization on Earth had two phases, which are in many texts called as the First plan of the Creators and the Second plan of the Creators. Humankind of the 1st type was able to transform matter by their own consciousness and lived to the long age of thousands of years. So from the perspective of ordinary men these people seemed to be immortal. They were not dying of diseases and infections, but they could be killed in fights. However, because of their open consciousness they often yielded to mental pressure exerted by a dark consciousness – by the Forces of Darkness. None of the variants of development of mankind of the 1st type reached a permanent evolutionary ascension and an acquirement of resistance to Evil. Even a system of initiations did not help. Therefore a new attempt had to come - the creation of a new human of the 2nd type.

© Jiří Novák, February 2010